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Gay Friendly Business Elevated Painting in Edgewater CO

Elevated Painting

Home Services
Edgewater, Colorado, 80214

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When you work with us our goal is to make it so you never have to look for another painting company again.

About Elevated Painting

Elevated Painting, LLC specializes in interior, exterior painting and staining for residential and commercial properties. Whether it be a bathroom, office, office building, or a house, no job is too big or too small for us. We work with concrete as well from your porch to your garage. We offer a variety of stains and sealers from Epoxy kits to enamel coatings. Let our team of professionals take care of all of your painting needs. We proudly serve the LGBT community in the greater Denver area.

Elevated Painting, LLC for Interior & Exterior Home Paint Projects

We were founded in 2017 by the owner Chelsea Steen. She began her painting journey at the young age of 20 when she ran a national painting franchise. Within five years she held one of the highest quality rankings in the country. She then decided to go out on her own and created Elevated Painting. As a young company wanting to mix up the traditional views of working with a contractor, our primary focus is on creating long term relationships with our customers. We do this by providing high customer service at an affordable price. When you work with us our goal is to make it so you never have to look for another painting company again. If you are ever unsatisfied with a job we have done, we will do what it takes to get it right!

Deck Staining & Fence Staining by Elevated Painting

Is your deck looking tired or damaged? Replacing it can be costly! Before you spend the money to replace it, call us, let us give you an estimate for restoration. Our deck staining professionals will bring life back into a worn-out or sun-damaged deck. Want to enhance the aesthetics of your home or office? Try staining the fence or adding a new paint color to the trim on your windows. Sometimes just changing the paint or stain color of the front porch or painting the entryway can bring new life to your home or office, not to mention, make a huge first impression.

Elevated Painting - Gaypages

For more information please visit our website

Elevated Painting is Lesbian-Owned and LGBT Friendly

Company Details

Year Established
Hours of Operation
Available by appointment
Accepted Forms of Payments
Check & All Major Credit Cards

Contact Information

Type of Company
Gay Friendly Business Woman Owned Business
Company Name
Elevated Painting
Online Social Profiles
Phone Number
Show Phone Number
2255 Sheridan Boulevard
Edgewater, Colorado, 80214
United States
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Elevated Painting Specialties